
Train the trainer

ALL Academy launches MRM Facilitator Training Online

By ALL Academy, e-Learning, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer 2 Comments

ALL Academy is pleased to announce the launch of MRM Facilitator Training Online. This is an additional service to complement our regular MRM Train the Trainer events held at various locations worldwide. The online training will be particularly useful to MRM Facilitator candidates when dates and locations of regular events are not suitable or when in urgent need of training. Please click here for more information and registration.

ALL Academy rolls out another MRM Train the Trainer in Hamburg

By ALL Academy, Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer No Comments

The latest MRM train the trainer was rolled out in Hamburg, Germany on 20 September 2016. A total of 20 participants attended the event which was held at The MADISON Hotel Hamburg. The group was composed mostly of prospective MRM facilitators but there were also certified facilitators who joined the training as a refresher course.

The following are the participants:

  1. Thomasz Brancewicz – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  2. Krystian Grzybowski – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  3. Claas-Heye Diekmann – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  4. Marcin Jablonski – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  5. Piotr Konstanty – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  6. Stefan Lindberg – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  7. Phillip Ottersbach – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  8. Marc Schmidt – BRISE Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG
  9. Kudaibergen Kassymov – BUE Kazakhstan Ltd
  10. Elvin Majidov – BUE Caspian Ltd
  11. Khadija Mammadova – BUE Caspian Ltd
  12. Vladimir Mustafayev – BUE Caspian Ltd
  13. Sofie Van Britsom – CVO Antwerpen
  14. Nathalie Vanbesien-Schiltz – De Ruyter Trainer & Consultancy BV
  15. Larysa Spiewok – DS Schiffahrt GmbH & Co. KG
  16. Joe Carr – EuroShip Services Ltd.
  17. Peter Hutchison – EuroShip Services Ltd.
  18. Norbert Büttner – Reederei NSB
  19. Torsten Iborg – Reederei NSB
  20. Evert Maandag – Vroon BV
The group from the Hamburg event watching a short video clip about shared mental picture.

The group from the Hamburg event watching a short video clip about shared mental picture.



Group photo outside The MADISON Hotel Hamburg.

Aboa Mare hosts MRM Train the Trainer event in Turku

By ALL Academy, Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer No Comments

ALL Academy jump-started the second half of 2016 with an MRM train the trainer event in Turku, Finland on 9 August 2016 just after the summer break. The event was hosted by Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre, one of our training providers based in Finland with a total of 16 participants taking part in the training. The group was composed of certified MRM facilitators who are taking the course as a refresher and we also had prospective MRM facilitators who are now certified after the event. It was also a kick-off event for the Aboa Mare lecturers to get ideas on how they can move forward with their course development.

Overall, the train the trainer event provided a venue for healthy discussions and an inspiring training atmosphere for the participants.

Several MRM training courses are planned in the coming months, including the upcoming events at Hamburg in September and at Subic Bay in October. For more information and registration details, please visit here.

Here is the list of the participants in Turku:

           Name                                 Company

  1. Jorma Koponen               ABB Marine and Ports
  2. Peter Björkroth                Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  3. Mats Enberg                    Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  4. Bertel Henriksson           Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  5. Ahti Hyppönen                Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  6. Tony Karlsson                 Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  7. Esa Lapela                        Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  8. Bo Lindroos                     Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  9. Lasse Lusto                      Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  10. Petteri Niittymäki            Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  11. Robert Stolpe                  Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  12. Timo Virtanen                 Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  13. Micael Vuorio                  Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  14. Anton Westerlund          Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  15. Ossi Westilä                     Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
  16. Magnus Winberg            Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
Participants pose during the MRM Kick-off event at Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre. In the background is an old simulator where students have a hands-on training in raising the sails, setting the course, and a lot more seamanship skills.

Participants pose during the MRM Kick-off event at Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre. In the background is an old simulator where students get a hands-on training in raising the sails, setting the course, and a lot more seamanship skills.

The Swedish Club Academy hosts MRM Train the Trainer Event

By ALL Academy, Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer No Comments

With the summer holidays already fast approaching, another MRM Train the Trainer event was successfully conducted in Gothenburg. The event took place at The Swedish Club Academy on 31 May 2016 with a good mix of representatives coming from maritime academies and a ship management company. Everyone actively participated during the discussions and the sharing of experiences by the facilitators was highly appreciated. This is so far the 11th MRM event that ALL Academy has conducted during the first half of 2016. More events in Europe are already scheduled in the coming months.

Here is the list of the participants:

  1. Thomas Brancewicz – BRISE Bereederung GmbH &Co. KG, Germany
  2. Kai-Erik Clemmesen – BRISE Bereederung GmbH &Co. KG, Germany
  3. Karl Ydén – Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  4. Gerrit Tuschling – Hochschule Wismar, Germany
  5. Vishwanath Pratap Singh – Pondicherry Maritime Academy, India
  6. Helene Jensen Brandal – RS Rescue Academy, Norway
  7. Tormod Nordeng – RS Rescue Academy, Norway
  8. Terje Prytz – RS Rescue Academy, Norway
A group photo taken during the MRM Train the Trainer Event in Gothenburg,

A group photo taken during the MRM Train the Trainer Event in Gothenburg.


Mr. Martin Hernqvist giving a short introduction at the start of the program.

Mr. Martin Hernqvist giving a short introduction at the start of the program.


Participants discuss the common reasons why accidents happen.

Participants discuss the common reasons why accidents happen.

Upcoming Events in Northern Europe

By Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer No Comments

The upcoming events in Gothenburg and in Turku have now been published on our events page. Those of you who are interested to be an MRM Facilitator (from current Training Providers or even from Institutions who want to join the MRM network), you are cordially invited to attend the Train the Trainer events.

Please click on the following links to register:

We hope to see you there!

MRM Train the Trainer in Cyprus

By Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences, Train the trainer No Comments

A week after the successful MRM event in Marseille, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Maritime Training Centre in Limassol opened its doors to host another MRM train the trainer course on 21 March 2016  where a total of 13 participants attended the said event. During the course, the participants raised vital issues related to MRM and exchanged ideas on how to apply the concepts effectively in order to achieve established safety goals. BSM has been supporting the MRM programme for the past few years with its training centres worldwide conducting MRM training courses to its seafarers.

ALL Academy is grateful for BSM’s continued support to the MRM programme!

Here are the participants:

  1. Theocharis  Antoniou – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  2. Vasia Ioannou – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  3. Vasileios Koutsis – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  4. Marios  Kyriacou – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  5. Ionut Manea – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  6. Valentins Rakutins – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  7. Elena Socratous – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  8. Anna Tsangaridou – BSM Maritime Training Centre
  9. Lasha Mamardashvili – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  10. Valentin Mavrinac – Cyprus Institute of Marketing
  11. Tony Loizou – Maestro Shipmanagement Ltd.
  12. Gordon Weaver – Maestro Shipmanagement Ltd.
  13. Zbigniew Wenda – Maestro Shipmanagement Ltd.
Group photo of the newly certified MRM Facilitators on 21 March 2016 at the BSM Maritime Training Centre in Limassol

Group photo of the newly certified MRM Facilitators on 21 March 2016 at the BSM Maritime Training Centre in Limassol. One of the participants is already a certified MRM Facilitator who took the course as a refresher course.


Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Maritime Training Centre

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Maritime Training Centre

CMA CGM Hosts MRM Train the Trainer Event in Marseille

By ALL Academy, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Master/Pilot, Train the trainer No Comments

ALL Academy had the pleasure to meet up with the group from CMA CGM who kindly hosted a 2-day MRM Train the Trainer event on 15-16 March 2016 at the CMA CGM Academy in Marseille.  The event was participated in by 7 representatives from CMA CGM/CMA SHIPS, 3 from Syndicat Professionnel des Pilotes des Ports de Marseille – Fos and 1 representative from Northern Marine Manning. The discussions were lively during the training and all the participants have openly contributed their ideas. Having the 3 pilots in the group has even made the training a noteworthy one. Our gratitude to our kind host and to all the participants who made this event a successful one!

Here is the list of the participants:

  1. Denis Aim – CMA CGM
  2. Dominique Balmitgere – CMA CGM
  3. Andrei Decaux – CMA CGM
  4. Philippe Delhomme – CMA SHIPS
  5. Stéphane Ollivier – CMA SHIPS
  6. Nicolas Ravet – CMA CGM
  7. Jean Paul Routier – CMA CGM
  8. Ian Cheshire – Northern Marine Manning Services
  9. Vincent Baccelli – Syndicat Professionnel des Pilotes des Ports de Marseille – Fos
  10. Eric Baron – Syndicat Professionnel des Pilotes des Ports de Marseille – Fos
  11. Pascal Luiggi – Syndicat Professionnel des Pilotes des Ports de Marseille – Fos
Marseille group during the Train the Trainer event hosted by CMA CGM Academy. In the photo are participants with the facilitator, Martin Hernqvist.

Marseille group during the Train the Trainer event hosted by CMA CGM Academy. In the photo are participants with the facilitator, Martin Hernqvist.


Discussion between the pilots, captains and maritime teachers during the MRM event in Marseille.

Discussion between the pilots, captains and maritime teachers during the MRM event in Marseille.

MRM Train the Trainer – Round 2 in Manila

By Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences, Train the trainer No Comments

The MRM Asian Tour wraps up in Manila with another MRM Train the Trainer course held at the European Training & Competence Centre (ETCC) Inc. which was the venue for a similar event 2 years ago. In just a short period of time, ALL Academy has already conducted the second MRM event in Manila for 2016. This is due to the strong demand of the MRM training in this part of the region.

The group was composed of the following:

  1. Rocela David Cayanan – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  2. Faouzi Fradi – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  3. Redentor  Ho – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  4. Arnold Padpad – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  5. George Patagnan – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  6. Marlon Tobias – Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd.
  7. Jason  Plazuela – Epic Ship Management
  8. Kit Hung Li – Maritime Services Training Institute
  9. Yat Tak Lo – Maritime Services Training Institute
  10. Rodrigo Laserna – United Marine Training Center
  11. Romulo Viernes – United Marine Training Center
A good mix of participants from Hong Kong, Cyrpus and Manila together with Martin Hernqvist.

A good mix of participants from Hong Kong, Cyrpus and Manila together with Martin Hernqvist.

2016’s First MRM Facilitator Training Successfully Completed in Manila

By ALL Academy, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), New clients, Seminars/Conferences, Train the trainer No Comments

The first MRM Facilitator Training event for 2016 was successfully completed. This took place a week after the workshop in Myanmar for the MRM online course. With Asia being the focus region during the first quarter of 2016, ALL Academy chose Manila in the Philippines to be the venue for the event because of the large number of MRM training providers present in the country. The event was held on January 27, 2016 at the AIM Conference Center Manila with a total of 8 participants in attendance who represented 6 companies from India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Sweden.

ALL Academy welcomes the following newly certified facilitators to the MRM network!

  1. Ole Steinar Mjell – Grieg Star
  2. Radhakrishna Loka – Neom Maritime (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
  3. Mohammad Lokman Bin Abdullah – Pelita Mas Laut Pte. Ltd.
  4. Mohamad Safrin Bin Masni – Pelita Mas Laut Pte. Ltd.
  5. Nilesh Kawal – Scorpio Marine Management
  6. Puja Rawat – Scorpio Marine Management
  7. Dejarme Lardizabal – Seaspan /PTC
  8. Niclas Berntsson – Sjöfartsakademien AB
Newly certified facilitators from the MRM train the trainer event in Manila on 27 January 2016 together with Martin Hernqvist.

Newly certified facilitators from the MRM train the trainer event in Manila on 27 January 2016 together with Martin Hernqvist.


MRM Focus on Asia

By ALL Academy, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer No Comments

Map of Asia – Photo credits:

Asia has the largest number of MRM training providers and is going to be the key focus area for ALL Academy. To cater the increasing demand of clients who are interested in knowing more about the MRM programme, ALL Academy will be visiting different cities in Asia in January and February 2016. This will be a good opportunity for shipping companies, manning agencies and maritime academies based in Asia to take part in the upcoming events in the region. There will be train the trainer events as well as open events for the prospective clients.

Please feel free to contact ALL Academy with any questions regarding the MRM programme.