The first MRM Facilitator Training event for 2016 was successfully completed. This took place a week after the workshop in Myanmar for the MRM online course. With Asia being the focus region during the first quarter of 2016, ALL Academy chose Manila in the Philippines to be the venue for the event because of the large number of MRM training providers present in the country. The event was held on January 27, 2016 at the AIM Conference Center Manila with a total of 8 participants in attendance who represented 6 companies from India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Sweden.
ALL Academy welcomes the following newly certified facilitators to the MRM network!
- Ole Steinar Mjell – Grieg Star
- Radhakrishna Loka – Neom Maritime (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
- Mohammad Lokman Bin Abdullah – Pelita Mas Laut Pte. Ltd.
- Mohamad Safrin Bin Masni – Pelita Mas Laut Pte. Ltd.
- Nilesh Kawal – Scorpio Marine Management
- Puja Rawat – Scorpio Marine Management
- Dejarme Lardizabal – Seaspan /PTC
- Niclas Berntsson – Sjöfartsakademien AB

Newly certified facilitators from the MRM train the trainer event in Manila on 27 January 2016 together with Martin Hernqvist.