The first MRM User Seminar culminated successfully with 23 certified MRM Facilitators from Asia and Europe attending the event. It was an excellent opportunity to meet, discuss and network with fellow facilitators from different parts of the world. GigaMare, one of the licenced MRM Training providers in Subic Bay, Philippines, hosted the event on 26-27 October 2016. The main objectives of the event were to showcase the new MRM concept and to discuss strategies on how to move forward both with the MRM programme and the network.
An integral part of the event was the presentations and sharing of experiences by the following facilitators: Capt. Foong Yee Kuan, PSAM Academy, Capt. Caspar Graf von Spee, Harren & Partner Ship Management GmbH and Capt. Jonas Engström, Wisby Shipmanagement AB.
Capt. Peter Sars, Head of Training at Gigamare, said: “In general, I believe that all participants appreciated the various discussions we had and the opportunity to make new contacts. There was a mix of facilitators from both shipping companies and training centres and several nationalities were represented.”
He added: “The facilitators got refreshed on the basics of MRM training, i.e. why do we need MRM training. Even though unmanned ships will be in the test phase within the next few years, the human factor will still remain on board ships for an unpredictable time. When a team is able to discuss the way they work together and find ways to improve their teamwork, then accidents can be avoided.
Training methods were discussed, tips and ideas were shared, and updates to material and content, presented by Martin, were also discussed.”
ALL Academy will continue to bring inspiring people together in forums like this and this type of event will continue to be held annually.
Michelle Samaniego from Wisby Tankers AB shared her thoughts after the event: “The MRM Facilitator meet up is very uplifting. As a non-marine facilitator, this seminar helps boost my confidence. Sharing of experiences and strategies handling the course is a good tool and support for each facilitator.
Facilitating MRM is not about teaching but sharing and learning from experience and inspiring to do and be better in order to influence and promote safe attitude.”
This event is about building a stronger network of MRM facilitators that will take the MRM programme to a new level of resource management training in reaching our goal towards safer shipping.

Capt. Peter Sars from GigaMare opened the MRM User Seminar with a welcome address.

Capt. Foong Yee Kuan from PSAM Academy was the first presenter to talk about the PSAM experience with MRM.

Capt. Caspar Graf von Spee from Harren & Partner Ship Management GmbH presented their facilitation techniques when conducting MRM course.

Capt. Jonas Engström of Wisby Shipmanagement was the third presenter who shared Wisby’s MRM experience.

Ms. Michelle Samaniego of Wisby shared her personal experience as a MRM facilitator during the session.

During the coffee break, participants pose for a photo opportunity.

Workshop group 1.

Workshop group 2.

Workshop group 3.

The pioneering group from the first MRM User Seminar in Subic Bay, Philippines.