ALL Academy launches MRM Facilitator Training Online

By ALL Academy, e-Learning, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Train the trainer 2 Comments

ALL Academy is pleased to announce the launch of MRM Facilitator Training Online. This is an additional service to complement our regular MRM Train the Trainer events held at various locations worldwide. The online training will be particularly useful to MRM Facilitator candidates when dates and locations of regular events are not suitable or when in urgent need of training. Please click here for more information and registration.

Martin Hernqvist Speaks at the CrewConnect Global Conference

By ALL Academy, Seminars/Conferences No Comments

“Creating effective and motivated teams on board – what can we learn from sports?” was the topic presented by Martin Hernqvist of ALL Academy at the CrewConnect Global Conference held at the Manila Marriott Hotel, Philippines on November 16, 2016. The event which run from 15-16 November is the world’s largest maritime HR event with 1000+ industry professionals from across the globe participating at the conference. The event showcased a three track interactive programme with content related to seafarer recruitment, training and HR practices. Distinguished speakers and known professionals from the maritime industry all over the world were present at the event where important topics and relevant issues were discussed which also provided a very good venue for networking.

During the plenary session at the CrewConnect Global Conference in Manila Mariott Hotel.

During the plenary session at the CrewConnect Global Conference at Manila Mariott Hotel.


Martin Hernqvist winning the raffle draw at the CrewConnect Global Conference.

Lucky winner Martin Hernqvist with the raffle draw prize at the CrewConnect Global Conference. Prize presented by Staffan Strive of Latitude B to the right.


Martin Hernqvist with dignitaries from the Philippine Maritime Industry during the Speakers Welcome Dinner hosted by Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc.

Martin Hernqvist with dignitaries from the Philippine Maritime Industry during the Speakers Welcome Dinner hosted by Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Inc.

The Swedish Club’s Marine Insurance Seminar in China

By ALL Academy, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), P&I Clubs and marine insurers, Seminars/Conferences No Comments

Every three years, The Swedish Club’s Team Asia invites local members, brokers and other business contacts for a two-day Marine Insurance Seminar. This year’s seminar was held on 9-10 November at the Zhuhai Marriott hotel in Zhuhai, China. Nearly 100 guests participated and on the speaker list there were Club staff from both Hong Kong and Gothenburg offices. Martin Hernqvist represented the Academy with an “Introduction to MRM” presentation, subtitled “The Impact of Attitudes and Cultures on Maritime Accidents”.

MIS Zhuhai 09-10 November 2016

Delegates coming from various companies in Asia gather for The Swedish Club’s Marine Insurance Seminar.


Participants, speakers and organisers of the Marine Insurance Seminar in Zhauhai, China pose for a group photo.

Participants, speakers and organisers of the Marine Insurance Seminar in Zhauhai, China pose for a group photo.


Martin Hernqvist discusses contributing factors in accidents and the importance of resource management during the Marine Insurance Seminar.

Martin Hernqvist discusses contributing factors in accidents and the importance of resource management during the Marine Insurance Seminar.


MIS Zhuhai 09-10 November 2016

Martin Hernqvist with participants during seminar dinner.


MIS Zhuhai 09-10 November 2016

The Swedish Club Team Asia together with staff from The Swedish Club Gothenburg office.


MIS Zhuhai 09-10 November 2016

Kitty Lam and Carmen Or from The Swedish Club Team Asia.

Maritime Safety Seminar for Shipping Companies in Singapore

By Accidents and investigations, ALL Academy, Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences No Comments

We were not surprised that a “maritime safety seminar for shipping companies aiming at zero insurance claims” should attract a large number of safety-oriented people in Singapore. We spent half a day at the Furama RiverFront hotel on November 7, 2016 discussing contributing factors in accidents, the impact of national and company culture, pilotage issues and how we best increase safety, efficiency and job satisfaction in our shipping companies. Many good ideas and comments came from the highly experienced participants, many of them in top management positions.

At the venue during the MRM Safety Seminar in Singapore on 07 November 2016

At the venue during the MRM Safety Seminar in Singapore on 07 November 2016.

MRM Seminar at PV Trans

By ALL Academy, Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences No Comments

A half-day MRM seminar was carried out at PV Trans in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by ALL Academy on 4 November 2016. Mr Do Hong Phuong of PV Trans had gathered a large group of employees from different departments who participated in the seminar. The seminar was well-received and we do hope that we shall soon get the chance to meet again in Vietnam for follow-up training and discussions.


Mr Do Hong Phuong of PV Trans gives an overview and background of the seminar.


A view of the entrance at PV Trans in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

A view of the entrance at PV Trans in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

ALL Academy at the CTX Special Risks Ltd. Annual Client Forum

By ALL Academy, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences No Comments

CTX Special Risks Ltd, an insurance broker from Taipei, held its annual client forum at Humble House in Taipei, Taiwan, on 2 November 2016. This year’s theme was “Managing for Excellence”. The invited speakers were from ALL Academy, The Swedish Club and Norwegian Hull Club. There were around 60 guests who attended the event which was followed by a delicious dinner at a Korean restaurant.


Dominic Ng from CTX Special Risks welcoming the guests.



Martin Hernqvist of ALL Academy in the middle together with the representatives from CTX Special Risks Ltd.


Strengthening the MRM Network through User Seminars

By ALL Academy, Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences No Comments

The first MRM User Seminar culminated successfully with 23 certified MRM Facilitators from Asia and Europe attending the event. It was an excellent opportunity to meet, discuss and network with fellow facilitators from different parts of the world. GigaMare, one of the licenced MRM Training providers in Subic Bay, Philippines, hosted the event on 26-27 October 2016. The main objectives of the event were to showcase the new MRM concept and to discuss strategies on how to move forward both with the MRM programme and the network.

An integral part of the event was the presentations and sharing of experiences by the following facilitators: Capt. Foong Yee Kuan, PSAM Academy, Capt. Caspar Graf von Spee, Harren & Partner Ship Management GmbH and Capt. Jonas Engström, Wisby Shipmanagement AB.

Capt. Peter Sars, Head of Training at Gigamare, said: “In general, I believe that all participants appreciated the various discussions we had and the opportunity to make new contacts. There was a mix of facilitators from both shipping companies and training centres and several nationalities were represented.”

He added: “The facilitators got refreshed on the basics of MRM training, i.e. why do we need MRM training. Even though unmanned ships will be in the test phase within the next few years, the human factor will still remain on board ships for an unpredictable time. When a team is able to discuss the way they work together and find ways to improve their teamwork, then accidents can be avoided.

Training methods were discussed, tips and ideas were shared, and updates to material and content, presented by Martin, were also discussed.”

ALL Academy will continue to bring inspiring people together in forums like this and this type of event will continue to be held annually.

Michelle Samaniego from Wisby Tankers AB shared her thoughts after the event: “The MRM Facilitator meet up is very uplifting. As a non-marine facilitator, this seminar helps boost my confidence. Sharing of experiences and strategies handling the course is a good tool and support for each facilitator.

Facilitating MRM is not about teaching but sharing and learning from experience and inspiring to do and be better in order to influence and promote safe attitude.”

This event is about building a stronger network of MRM facilitators that will take the MRM programme to a new level of resource management training in reaching our goal towards safer shipping.

Capt. Peter Sars from GigaMare opened the MRM User Seminar with a welcome address.

Capt. Peter Sars from GigaMare opened the MRM User Seminar with a welcome address.



Capt. Foong Yee Kuan from PSAM Academy was the first presenter to talk about the PSAM experience with MRM.



Capt. Caspar Graf von Spee from Harren & Partner Ship Management GmbH presented their facilitation techniques when conducting MRM course.



Capt. Jonas Engström of Wisby Shipmanagement was the third presenter who shared Wisby’s MRM experience.



Ms. Michelle Samaniego of Wisby shared her personal experience as a MRM facilitator during the session.



During the coffee break, participants pose for a photo opportunity.



Workshop group 1.



Workshop group 2.



Workshop group 3.

The pioneering group from the first MRM User Seminar in Subic Bay, Philippines.

The pioneering group from the first MRM User Seminar in Subic Bay, Philippines.

Watch out for our upcoming events in Asia

By ALL Academy, Maritime Resource Management (MRM) No Comments

ALL Academy will be in Southeast Asia again for another round of MRM events before the year ends. If you are interested to join any of our open seminars, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at or register on the event page.

Here is our schedule:

Managing Director Martin Hernqvist will also be presenting during the following external events:

  • 9-10 November 2016, Zhuhai, China. The Swedish Club’s Marine Insurance Seminar
  • 15-16 November 2016, Manila Mariott Hotel, Philippines. Crew Connect Conference

Martin Hernqvist Keynotes at Seahorse International Conference

By Bridge Resource Management, Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences No Comments

Managing Director Martin Hernqvist was one of the keynote speakers during the Seahorse International Conference on Maritime Safety and Human Factors. The conference took place at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, United Kingdom on 21-23 September 2016.

The conference is organised as part of EU project ‘SEAHORSE’ which focuses on maritime safety through human factors and it covers all the elements of human factors including performance, wellbeing and comfort.

Martin Hernqvist (right) with Prof. Osman Turan from the University of Strathclyde who is also one of the organizers of the event.

Martin Hernqvist (right) with Prof. Osman Turan from the University of Strathclyde who is also one of the organizers of the event.

ALL Academy at the Stena Line Ship Management Meeting

By Maritime Resource Management (MRM), Seminars/Conferences No Comments

On 21 September 2016, Managing Director Martin Hernqvist delivered a one-hour talk about Maritime Resource Management during the Stena Line Scandinavia’s Ship Management Meeting held at Hotel Skansen in Båstad. This is a yearly event of the company where they talk about company updates and discuss important matters about their operations.

Earlier in May this year, ALL Academy was also invited by Stena Line for a different session on MRM where a lot of issues pertaining to MRM concepts were discussed.

Participants during the Ship Management Meeting at Stena Line Scandinavia on May 25, 2016.

Participants during the Ship Management Meeting at Stena Line Scandinavia on May 25, 2016.



A photo taken outside the venue during the Ship Management Meeting on September 21-22, 2016. This is Hotel Skansen in Båstad.