ALL Academy jump-started the second half of 2016 with an MRM train the trainer event in Turku, Finland on 9 August 2016 just after the summer break. The event was hosted by Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre, one of our training providers based in Finland with a total of 16 participants taking part in the training. The group was composed of certified MRM facilitators who are taking the course as a refresher and we also had prospective MRM facilitators who are now certified after the event. It was also a kick-off event for the Aboa Mare lecturers to get ideas on how they can move forward with their course development.
Overall, the train the trainer event provided a venue for healthy discussions and an inspiring training atmosphere for the participants.
Several MRM training courses are planned in the coming months, including the upcoming events at Hamburg in September and at Subic Bay in October. For more information and registration details, please visit here.
Here is the list of the participants in Turku:
Name Company
- Jorma Koponen ABB Marine and Ports
- Peter Björkroth Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Mats Enberg Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Bertel Henriksson Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Ahti Hyppönen Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Tony Karlsson Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Esa Lapela Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Bo Lindroos Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Lasse Lusto Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Petteri Niittymäki Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Robert Stolpe Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Timo Virtanen Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Micael Vuorio Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Anton Westerlund Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Ossi Westilä Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre
- Magnus Winberg Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre

Participants pose during the MRM Kick-off event at Aboa Mare Academy and Training Centre. In the background is an old simulator where students get a hands-on training in raising the sails, setting the course, and a lot more seamanship skills.