Experience, Global Reach and Passion. These are words that describe ALL Academy.
We have been involved in resource management training in the maritime industry since 1993. For more than 20 years, resource management training has been our full time job and commitment. Over the years some 60,000 people have been trained in MRM. We have also trained many hundreds of MRM Facilitators and we have taken part in conferences and workshops meeting people from all over the world. Well aware of that learning is a lifelong process, no one will ever reach 100% on the learning or experience scale. However, if someone would claim they have reached 90% on this scale, we could easily say 95%. We would be pleased to share our knowledge and experiences with you.
Global Reach
The MRM network is the maritime industry’s largest training network within the human factors area. At the moment we have clients in about 35 countries. There are more countries in the world than this figure but since these 35 include the far most important seafaring countries, we feel that 90% provides a pretty accurate picture. If anyone feels outside – welcome onboard!
This is the most important characteristic of ALL Academy. Without passion, one will not succeed. With a strong belief, a lot of hard work and an enormous amount of passion we built up an industry awareness about the need for resource management and human factors training during the 1990s and 2000s. We have been passionate about these issues ever since we started in 1993 but the more we learn, the more passionate we become. No doubt 100% on this scale. Passion is contagious. If you are passionate too, click the heart symbol on the top of this page to “love this”!