ALL Academy is concerned about its ecological footprint. Even if this footprint is small compared to most larger companies and manufacturing industries, steps taken in the right direction by small companies and individuals will eventually have a huge impact. A deep concern for the environment is a natural part of ALL Academy’s company culture and goes hand in hand with our objective to help clients establish organizations where safety, efficiency and job satisfaction are key priorities.
To further improve our environmental policies and procedures, ALL Academy took part in a project initiated by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg and “Miljöbron”. “Miljöbron”, or “the environmental bridge”, serves as a link between companies and university students and aims at contributing to a sustainable development.
Four Chalmers students attending the Maritime Environment and Environmental Management programme made during autumn 2014 an environmental review of ALL Academy. Their findings and recommendations were presented at Chalmers University of Technology on 23 October 2014. We are most grateful to the students for a job well done.

Presentation at Chalmers on 23 October 2014. From left to right: Martin Hernqvist, ALL Academy, Jamil Jasim, Chalmers, Christin Carlsson, Miljöbron, Svetlana Ormane, Chalmers and Joakim Engström, Chalmers. (Missing in photo is Chalmers student Hans Petter Evenrud.)