The third MRM Facilitator training event in just three weeks was carried out in Gothenburg, Sweden, on 8-9 April 2014. Upon successful completion of the course, 18 new certified MRM Facilitators join the network of MRM Facilitators. Aside from the new ones, there were also three participants who are already certified facilitators. In total we had 21 participants with nine different nationalities represented.

MRM Facilitator training in Gothenburg on 8-9 April 2014.
The following people attended:
- Mats Enberg, Aboa Mare
- Jan Polacek, C.O.S. Crew Management s.r.o.
- Hakan Güngör, Ekol Denizcilik
- Peter Bergvall, Furetank Rederi AB
- Lars Croy, Furetank Rederi AB
- Jonas Gunnarsson, Furetank Rederi AB
- Per-Anders Höglund, Furetank Rederi AB
- Torben Pihl, Furetank Rederi AB
- Mikael Åberg, Furetank Rederi AB
- Bertil Andersson, Laurin Maritime AB
- Lina Svensson, Laurin Maritime AB
- Hilmar Snorrason, Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre ICE-SAR
- Uwe Jungnickel, Reederei NORD GmbH
- Deshapriya Daminda Wickrama Samaranayake, Reederei NORD GmbH
- Jan Blomqvist, Star Cruises
- Jonny Mehtola, Star Cruises
- Martin Lewerentz, Stena Line Scandinavia AB
- Freek Muurling, STODEL (Dutch Pilots’ Corporation)
- Daniel Netsere, STODEL (Dutch Pilots’ Corporation)
- Joakim Bergstedt, Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket)
- Jukka-Pekka Kiuru, University Applied Science Kotka (UAS)